Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Now Hiring!! :o)

Wish you had some extra money to splurge on the little things you may have cut from your budget? Or looking for some extra income?
Scentsy is there to help you!  Who wouldn’t love some extra money to buy something for yourself each month? Join Scentsy as a consultant and use your earnings for shoes, clothes, a manicure, a pedicure, pay extra on your bills, save for a vacation, just pamper yourself.  Are you kids in lots of extra activities?  You could probably use the income to help pay for uniforms, dance classes, sports equipment, etc…  How about a special date night one a month where you can treat your someone special to a night on the town!
I mean who would love an extra $100 a month to use on whatever you heart desires.

You start out on 20% commission but you move up fast to 25% and once you build you down line you can make and additional 2% all the way up to 26% off your down line!  It’s SO easy!
Here is an example of commission.

Sales                20% Commission           25% commission

$500                 $100                             $125
$750                 $150                             $187.50
$1000               $200                             $250    
$1500               $250                             $375

Just to give you an idea… in our most successful month last year. We had made over $1,184.65 IN 1 MONTH with commission and bonuses!!  It happened to be right before Christmas, which was perfect for purchasing all those Christmas gifts; another great reason to become a consultant!

Want to see how easy it is… book a party with us and we will show you.
If you decide to become a consultant at your party we will give you the sales of you party to start off your business!!
It is that EASY!

Contact us today for questions, to book a party, or to become a consultant!
Sarah Smith & Kristi Caldwell
740-225-9612    740-361-2774

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